Sunday, 19 October 2014

I hear the term "Socialist" thrown at "Gun Control" groups, but I think it something different.

In Response to:

Its interesting to see that the Greens Party is in effect showing its hand in this way.
On one hand the #GREENS party actively promotes community action and conducts training for grass roots activism & rails against the excessive powers of the state when it sees that state used against causes that the #GREENS party supports.

On the other hand, they are very keen to entrench and protect the states monopoly of power over the voters :

To borrow a paragraph or two from Socialist Appeal:

When capitalist politicians call for “gun control,” they are really saying that the working class majority should give more power to the bourgeois state in determining who should have access to arms. The capitalist class would breathe a sigh of relief at the complete disarmament of the working class. The capitalist state would then have a complete monopoly of arms, on top of its monopoly of the courts, prisons, police, spy agencies, military, etc.

I think you can change capitalist class to "ruling classes" and you are on the money.

In calling for gun control the GREENS party show their hand.

They do not see themselves as "first amongst equals" they see themselves are "rightful rulers".

Or at least they long for the power of the state to be delivered into their hands. They have no desire to enable the working classes or indeed any members of the "voter" classes to be in a position to effectively resist the exercise of power by the state.

The desire gun control for the same reason the police desire it.

They don't want to have to engage with voters/non police as equals, but as masters & commanders.

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